Monday, June 30, 2008

Work it girl!

I had a mostly lovely workout this evening. I rode my bike to the pool (5 miles). I was pleasantly surprised that the drivers this evening were courteous and other then a wicked head wind slowing me down, I rather enjoyed my ride. I swam for about 35 minutes. I did (x meters). Honestly, I have no idea how far I swam. I swam until I was tired and the pool started to get crowded. I have issues remembering to count things or watch times. I then ran for 1.5 miles on the Avon Intermediate School track. It was nice and cushy! I finished by biking the 5 miles home. Okay...almost biking 5 miles home. I blew another tire tube turning onto 100N. I am starting to get really pissed. This is the 3rd tube since I bought the bike two weeks ago! Yes - I checked my tire pressure before I started my ride. No - I did not hit any holes or anything silly like that. Needless to say, I will be going back to the bike shop on Wednesday to get a new tube and find out what the heck is going on.

Do I still follow WW?

"Do you still follow WW?"

This is the question posed by fellow blogger Michelle. The answer is, yes and no.

Yes: I still count my points, although it’s more of a mental tally then a true journal. I journal when I'm having issues or need to get back on plan. I basically eat the same thing every day for breakfast and lunch. The only meal I really change is dinner. This type of plan does NOT work for everyone! Most people would get bored eating the same thing basically everyday for the last two years. I, on the other hand, like my little routine. I eat a 3-point cereal bar for breakfast and a piece of fruit. For lunch I have yogurt with cereal (2 points), a micro meal of some variety (4-6 points), and sugar-free Jell-O (0 points). I do get creative with dinner; however, I will be the first to admit that in a pinch I run for my Trader Joe's 94% FF black bean burritos (8 points).

No: I have not attended a WW meeting in a looonnnnnggg time. I am not currently "paying" WW for any of their services. I like to think of myself as self-sufficient and basically cheap. I also have the privilege of having my own personal WW leader, Cyndi, at my disposal :) Cyndi is a wonderful friend and inspirational WW leader. If you are in the Indianapolis area, go to her meetings....or I will kick you ;)

Yes: I exercise regularly. Actually, now that I think about it, I exercise more now then when I was attending meetings and actively trying to loose weight. Go me!

No: I do not regularly get in my oils (if I do great, if not...tough), or take a multi-vitamin. I really have never been a fan of multi-vitamins and even after trying children's chewable have found myself completely incapable of actually remembering or wanting to take the stupid things.

WW is truly a change in life style. I know for a fact that I will have to be very careful about what I eat for the rest of my life. I honestly don't think there is a picture of me from the time I was 5 until I turned 27 that I'm not the chubby kid or the fat adult.

The other question that has been posed to me recently is "Why are you doing a triathlon? Isn't that a lot of work?"

My answer to you: Because I want to. I don't HAVE to do a triathlon. I don't NEED to do a triathlon. I want to do a triathlon. It is to prove to myself and no one else that I can do this. Ummm.."Isn't it a lot of work?" is. And yes, I have a busy life style. I work a lot and I play a lot. I am very lucky that my husband enjoys participating in the same things I am interested in and we can spend time together running, cycling, swimming, and enjoying our animals

Sunday, June 29, 2008

It's official!

I officially signed up for the first Go Girl Triathlon on September 6th. It Indianapolis' first women's only triathlon. The distances are 500 meter swim, 10 mile bike and 3 mile run. The event will be held at Eagle Creek Park.

Now that it's official, the serious training begins. Jarrett and I went for a nice 10 mile ride at Eagle Creek last night, however, it was a bit leisurely. We were having too much fun enjoying the scenery and I am still getting the hand of down shifting the new bike. I know I can finish the tri at my current fitness level, but if I want to actually push myself, I need to train harder and build up my endurance.

Here are my training plans for this week:

Sunday - Barn - Dressage work
Monday - Bike (4.5 miles), Swim (500 meters), Run (1 mile), Bike (4.5 miles)
Tuesday - Barn - Show Jumping and X-Country Intervals
Wednesday - Swim (1000 meters), Run (1 mile)
Thursday - Barn
Friday - Run...maybe - I will be at Johnson County Park for the weekend and I may try to squeeze in a very short run.
Saturday - Horse Show :)
Sunday - Rest and Visit friends

I hope everyone enjoys the holiday week!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'm back!

Alright, this has been a very busy year and I put my blog away until today. I will spare you the details of what has been happening in my life for the last 349 days and just give you the highlights.

My weight loss story has a happy ending! I made my Weight Watchers goal sometime in September. I have lost an additional 10 pounds (my "buffer") and only had one gain (darn you Disney World!). Here are a few before and after pictures:

Disney 2006

Disney 2006

Disney 2008

I am now moving towards a new fitness goal. I will be competing in my first triathlon September 6, 2008. It is a sprint triathlon with a 500 meter swim, 10 mile bike, and 3 mile run. I started training about a month ago at the gym. Jarrett and I found a pool at Avon Intermediary School East to train the swim and Jarrett bought me a beautiful and super fast race bike for our anniversary!

The bike is a Trek 1.2. I decided to get clipless pedals and shoes straight away to give me the best chance to ride as effectively as possible. We rode almost 25 miles the first day we had the bikes and it was a blast!

Jarrett started a new job in May in downtown Indy. He is very happy with his career change. It was an extra bonus that his new office is only 11 miles from our house as compared to 26 with his old job. I will admit that I generally have no idea what he is talking about when he starts talking about computer programming, but I do know it makes him happy!

My horse Frosty is doing very well. We competed in a show in April and ranked 3rd in the "Green as Grass" adult division. We were disqualified from the 2" division due to me falling off. No, it was not Frosty's fault. It was mine. I was jumping ahead and he refused a fence and I popped over his shoulder. If I had been in the correct position, I could have pushed him over the fence or at least not lost my balance when he refused. As with everything in life, a lesson was learned and according to my trainer, I have vastly improved my body position and am much more conscious of not riding too far forward to jumps. We have a show on July 5, so we will see how are hard work over the last few months has paid off. It is a 3-day event (cross country, show jumping, and dressage) all crammed into one day.

The saddest part of the past 349 days was December 15. Our beloved Shetland Sheepdog, Belle, lost her fight with cancer. She was my first dog and I will never forget her. She truly loved everyone. Her little "sister" Amelia still misses her greatly and so do Jarrett and I.

In the future, expect to see a lot of training posts as I get in shape for the Go Girl Triathlon. Wish me luck!

Monday, June 16 - Gym - 5 mile Run, 5 mile Bike, Free Weights - 1.25 hours
Tuesday, June 17 - Barn - Show Jumping - 1 hour
Wednesday, June 18 - Swim - 500 meters - 1 hour - Jarrett was helping me "remember" how to swim!
Thursday, June 19 - Swim - 1200 meters - 40 minutes
Friday, June 20 - Bike - 2.2 miles around the neighborhood - We bought our bikes and I was teaching myself to use my cool new pedals and shoes.
Saturday, June 21 - Bike - 24.4 miles
Sunday, June 22 - Barn - Cross Country - 1 hour